Advanced Spanish Oral and Writing skills through Literature, Films and Music


This course offers an opportunity to help you maintain your fluency in Spanish. The Advanced Oral and Writing skills course aims at students with high intermediate /advanced level of Spanish who wish to improve their oral expression and writing skills. Interactive activities require students to persuade, analyze, support opinions and, gather and interpret others’ points of view. Focus is on vocabulary enrichment and idiomatic expressions. It includes cultural, literary, political, and journalistic readings. The course content is divided into thematic sections that combine literature, music, history, and social issues through cross-cultural readings and films by renowned authors from the Spanish-speaking world. Students read the assigned texts/films at home and come to class prepared to discuss its content in a critical way, paying special attention to learning and using new vocabulary and idioms.

The class will be taught exclusively in Spanish. All readings will be available online.


The objectives of the Advanced Spanish Oral and Writing  skills course include:

  1. To develop advanced proficiency in Spanish that allows students to synthesize ideas, increase the degree of oral and written cohesion and extend the range of structures used. Students will develop an accurate narrative flow that expands and incorporate into everyday speech the new vocabulary learned over the course.
  2. To offer students the opportunity to introduce a topic in a short-class presentation format.
  3. To provide a better understanding of cultural diversity and social realities of Spanish-speaking countries through their literature and films.